Canned Tuna casserole! We're your fool! your ancient recipe is written down on scrolls,
Canned Tuna casserole! You know that I've been told that your medley of flavors is very-extremely-bold!
Jesse! Marc! Carson! Dan!
We're having tuna casserole as we previously planned!
Thank god almighty for “Tuna Casserole That's Canned!
Jesse-my-boo! I know you're hungry too! Let us ignite this here "canned-tuna-stew"
Marc-Mcbro! start the top of the stove! So It glows! for our appetite's carbon based burden oh so arose!
Again Mcbro! start the stove! For this luscious treat! We have to add heat! Having it cold is no way to eat!
Guys! Gather round! for the "can opening sound"! observe with joy! but stand back boys! have no fear! it's almost here! just wait! hear the quake! This p-38 can really castrate!
Mcbro! Put the pot on the stove, for the burners are red hot like a rose!
Carson! pour the 6 cans on the stove, for "this here hunger" still gives us woes.!
Dan! Getting it on "Big Hawks" shelf's was a struggle Why they didn't can it sooner is a puzzle, but look at those "golden cheesy bubbles"!
It's cooked! just look! This concoction is for the books!
Guys! Let's start this dinner date, for glowing is our 5 different colored plates.
Canned Tuna Casserole! we eat you hot not cold! with a side of rolls, that hits our Yinzy souls!
Guys! look at Jesse he made haste with his plate, with the lukewarm-cheese-sauce all over his great-face.
Canned tuna casserole you might make us constipated, but your proof dinner doesn't have to be complicated!
Narrator 2: Tudors canned tuna casserole just buy it
Narrator 3: Tudors canned tuna casserole the most appropriate brand to patronize since 2022
- David Ras