Her ebony voice was solid hardened as a rock as she with her glasses and truelove black braids talked. Ebony beauty with pallet jack came down the walk!
I rushed passed the yogurt.
as she moved in the same direction slower
The presence of her felt like my wallet with a four leaf clover!
Down the line following me she came down the alley
Inside ice cream aisle with her gorgeous eyes witness I made my gaits ralley
Outside still going rumbling she was long tall Sally. Her voice echoed through the aisle’s peaks
and Valley’s
And with the Atlas load of her pallet jack pile
She said Retard went to the ice cream aisle!
Towards the bars of éclair with thoughts of her black black hair
all I could do was smile.
It was her coming down on her previous about me interest which was her being brand new special
And it was me who continued to emit her curiosity with left behind cartoon quetzals.
From beyond my aisle I continued to hear her dominant Queen Boudica voice
And I wished that meeting her beyond my aisles realm was my voluntary choice
Oct. 2nd 2023
David Raskin