Even people like me needed to come home and do the “of-the-ton-laundry”, gone was the behemoth-breeze, of the wind which spoke bitchin-strong-eddinese,
Dese/these rag-sensational-[drenched]-sockin sirs of bonnie-bon me, which were previously gone-misplaced passed the washing machine’s “beyond-earth, with-mountain-mon-seas” “xanadu’s blue mon majesty’s”, were ready to just sit there by my also that moment taken off wrong-cleats,
Doing the blow dry this time just a little longer was the relationship of the blonde sir and me
Yonder-of-the-washer-staunch-he was also bound to be music free. For It was “Aww-midi-Minuit”.
Withershins was the way I turned and remoted the radio, to the weather station
I as the “still wet sitter him”, also put on the music service again which I wore In my still flannel, Joe Dassin was a little better, I took his handle, and I had the beginning of my new found free time to dismantle
Novae-Nouveau-Eastern was the scent of my cushioned ottoman candles, I made it home just in time, outside, The Eddy’s star of the north had “stop the maelstroms” come on at random, Joe’s music indoors was “handsome” and I was the again-new-on-top-of-the-colline-vandal. It was another 500 stars day-night
Avalon Dakota