To be brief "Empathy Ahhs" are a form of mental health relief
The weather was freezing outside
At Dollarbush i still gave icecream a try
Reached in my pocket to show the POS system some love
Along side my cards also came a flimsy vinyl glove
Cashier Jay: Ahhhh!
Before the customer paid, a problem with his payment was made
He said to his family in a romance type of way
"Un moment sil vous plait"
At the registers throughout the room
A familiar phrase was sent
All of us English users knew exactly what he meant
Cashier Ben: Ahhhh!
Bullseye (Target) was the spot
The POS system froze, it got caught, it was supposed to be top notch
Guy right in front of them looked down at his watch
Cashier Pam: Ahhhh!
Who knows how they felt underneath, but to be brief "Empathy Ahhs" are a form of mental health relief
- David Ras
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Next stop: Go read "Nikka, Mo, Shay, and Jennae"
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