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Writer's pictureDavid Raskin

Script for "Can You Pass Me The "Eff this weather"" - Tiktok skit

Nature: I rained all day, these humans are funny with their ways.

Patron-Customer: (passes cart to Cartman X across the front lane of Big-box-mart

then retreats to their car)

Cartman X: (catches cart, then brings cart to "the cart pushing garage")

Narrator: Cartman X talked to himself again lol

Cartman X: It rained all day, eff it I still get paid!!!!!

Cartman X: Hope it get's better!

Cartman X: Can you pass me the eff this weather!!!?? (Mild tone)

Cartman X: (Uses cartpushing remote to bring in the cartpushing machine (still active) towards his body)

Salesman: "Carhart gloves just buy those guys"

- David Ras

- Raskino

- Dr. Ballin the Guatemalan

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